




KOLKATA, 21 JUNE 2023:

The communication market is abuzz with ChatGPT, but not many know what this tool can do.

At Robeen’s Media Shop, we were toying with an idea of a web series on crime detection. We thought of using ChatGPT to create models of narrative.

Let me tell you how we went about it.

First, we created the characters.

Second, we envisaged a location.

Third, we devised a simple plot structure.

Fourth, we deployed the ChatGPT to create the narratives.

Background and Characters:

Mr P. K. Bose, aged 72, Retired Tea Garden Manager wants to know who killed his dog.

Mr Sen, aged 65, is an advocate, and wants to solve the mystery.

Mrs Sikha Bose, aged 66, wife of Mr Pk Bose. She is Diabetic, and suffers from Dementia

Mr Protul Sinha, aged 69 is a retired Professor of Psychology. Obsessed with psycho analysing each and every person.

Pepsi, age 17, servant to the family, hyper-energetic, ready to serve. Loved his master’s dog.

Starting Line: It was almost dark when the taxi arrived at the gate of the resort. Mr Sen ,the high court lawyer, embarked from the taxi and walked towards the reception room of the resort, The Sundowner.

We provided ChatGPT with the character sketches and starting line that I have cited above, and instructed it to create the narratives.

Here are the results!

We prompted ChatGPT to create three styles of narratives.

The first narrative has been created in a formal / professional style, and is of medium length.

Read on to understand.

Narrative 1-

It was almost dark when the taxi arrived at the gate of the resort. Mr Sen ,the high court

lawyer, embarked from the taxi and walked towards the reception room of the resort,

The Sundowner. He was greeted by his old friend Mr Bose, who had invited him for a weekend getaway. Mr Bose looked pale and distraught, and Mr Sen sensed something was wrong.

“Thank you for coming, my friend. I need your help with a terrible matter.” Mr .Bose said in a low voice.

“What is it? What happened?” Mr Sen asked with concern.

Mr Bose led him to a small cottage behind the main building, where his wife and another man were waiting. Mrs Bose was sitting on a couch, clutching a photo of a dog. The other man was standing near the window, smoking a pipe. He had a stern expression and a thick beard.

“Mr Sen, this is my wife Sikha and this is our neighbour Mr Sinha. He is a retired professor of psychology.” Mr Bose introduced them.

“Pleased to meet you.” Mr Sen said politely.

“Mr Sen, we have a mystery to solve. Someone killed our dog, Bruno. He was poisoned last night.” Mr Bose said with a tremble in his voice.

“Poisoned? How do you know?” Mr Sen asked.

“We found this bottle of rat poison near his body. And look at this note.” Mr .Bose handed him a piece of paper that read: “This is what you get for meddling in other people’s affairs. Stay away from the tea garden or you will be next.”

Mr Sen looked at the note with shock. He remembered that Mr Bose had retired from managing a tea garden a few years ago, after exposing some corruption and illegal activities there.

“Who would do such a thing? Do you have any enemies?” Mr Sen asked.

“I don’t know. I thought I had left all that behind me. But someone must have a grudge against me.” Mr Bose said.

“Or maybe someone wants to scare you away from something.” Mr Sinha interjected.

“What do you mean?” Mr Sen asked.

Mr Sinha took a puff from his pipe and said: “I have been observing the situation here for some time. There is something fishy going on in this resort.

The owner is a shady character. He has been buying land from the nearby tea gardens at very low prices. He claims he wants to expand his business, but I think he has ulterior motives. Maybe he is involved in some illegal activity.”

“Are you suggesting that he killed Bruno?” Mr Sen asked.

“I’m not suggesting anything. I’m just stating the facts.” Mr Sinha said.

Mr Sen looked at Mr Bose and saw that he was nodding in agreement.

“Yes, I think he might be right. The owner of this resort is a man named Rajesh Sharma. He used to work for me in the tea garden. He was one of the corrupt ones. I fired him when I found out he was stealing money and selling tea leaves to smugglers. He swore revenge on me then. Maybe he is behind this.” Mr Bose said.

Mr Sen felt a chill run down his spine. He realised that he had walked into a dangerous situation. He wondered if he could trust anyone here, even his old friend.

He decided to investigate the matter further. He asked Mr Bose if there was anyone else who knew about Bruno’s death.

“Yes, there is one more person. Pepsi, our servant boy. He loved Bruno like his own brother. He was devastated when he found him dead.” Mr Bose said.

“Where is he now?” Mr Sen asked.

“He went to the market to buy some groceries. He should be back soon.” Mr. Bose said.

Mr Sen thought that Pepsi might be an important witness. He wanted to talk to him as soon as possible.

He also wanted to talk to Rajesh Sharma, the owner of the resort. He wanted to confront him and find out if he had anything to do with Bruno’s death.

He hoped that he could solve the mystery before it was too late.

(N.B illustrations were not part of ChatGPT outputs)



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