




KOLKATA, 28 JULY 2023:

When was the first time tourism as a career opportunity was introduced to you ? In the initial years of education when students are finding their career paths and choosing their streams, subjects like Tourism are still questioned. Many educational institutes do not see Tourism as a major subject and many do not introduce it to their students as well. In the recent scenario of education, from the context of the Indian education system I personally feel that the curriculum has remained the same , focused on either streams of Science or Commerce. Being in conversation with many youngsters and students from different academic backgrounds , I have observed that learning in school has changed from knowledge gain to just obtaining marks and unhealthy competition. The fun that is felt when learning something new is not felt anymore by students or by the teachers as well. As a perspective of both a student and an educator the yearning for knowledge and learning builds when the part of innovation and creation emerges even for the theoretical subjects. I was privileged enough to have educators who saw my talents and strengths to push me towards entrepreneurship from the high school level.

Talking about entrepreneurship as a subject is slowly being taught in courses but still when actually starting in the line of practice is not supported by individuals. Tourism entrepreneurship plays a vital role in the global tourism sector. The sector leading in innovations and creations of sustainable tourism has diversified destinations, has been attracting tourists and has a big impact on overall economic development.

Tourism entrepreneurship delves into the innovation and creation of business that cater to the desires and insights of the travelers. Entrepreneurs in this field are always coming up with new creative solutions to cater to their client base. Entrepreneurs as a sector are generators of new innovations and business in the industry . Looking forward into the future many businesses from now will not be able to cater to the evolving nature of clients until business perspectives evolve with them.

As business students we were taught how businesses attract a lot of new factors to the local market and economy. Tourism entrepreneurship is a big sector that contributes to the local economy. It generates employment, stimulates the sectors of hospitality, transportation , cultural market and development of infrastructure. It is the biggest market that attracts foreign exchange through international tourists that strikes a balance in trade deficits of the national economy. As tourism entrepreneurs and business we are always at the lookout for new innovative ways of making travel meaningful and enjoyable while maintaining sustainability. Sustainability in today’s circumstances of the world cannot be ignored as making sustainable decisions now will help the upcoming generations. This also attracts travelers who are mindful of the environment and helps promote and preserve longevity of our beloved destinations.

The tourism industry being as dynamic as it is , it also faces several challenges at every point. The seasonal changes, changing travel patterns and geopolitical factors causes a huge impact on the demand of tourism services. Being in this field needs a delicate balance between economic growth and environmental conservation. These activities need help and collaboration from the local and national management as much as from the tourism entrepreneurs. Moreover adapting to technological advances and rise of digital platforms it’s important to stay competitive in the modern tourism landscape.

Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs are risk takers and more importantly can be a big asset to the economy of the country. To bring about big changes into the industry , Government and tourism boards play a critical role in fostering an environment for tourism entrepreneurships. The role of both private and public sectors play a vital role in building a sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem in the tourism industry.

We are all born as innovators and creators. As we grow up roles and titles are assigned to us according to societal norms. As being in the position of hierarchy in the societal ladder and also age , it becomes a responsibility to create lines and systems again that can be beneficial to the upcoming generations. Education is not just theoretical or practical , it happens through all the senses of the human being. The way has to be taught, with proper workshops and training programs and more importantly by allowing imagination. Innovation comes from imagination and the biggest entrepreneurs in the industrial sectors have big imaginations that are followed up by theoretical and practical solutions to become a reality.

Tourism entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship of any kind has big opportunities in markets and sectors not only for economical growth but also cultural and social understanding and impact globally. It makes the landscape of traveling trustworthy when there is an understanding of social structures and cultural backgrounds.

The market is dynamic, job titles will be changing and more importantly the needs and priority of people will be changing. So keep the imagination alive to bring about innovation.



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