India and Indonesia since Millennia enjoy traditional cultural and trade very close and integrated ties, says Mr. Mahesh Saharia, honorary consul of the Tepublic of Indonesia in Kolkata.
Mr. Mahesh Saharia thank the large Numbers of participants from India who participated in the Sales Mission Roadshow, organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, in Collaboration with the Embassy of Indonesia in Kolkata recently.
Kolkata, is the capital of West Bengal is the Hub and is connecting 4 Eastern States and 8 North Eastern States.
“There is tremendous potential for promoting bilateral tourism. Indonesia is a great destination and meets the needs of all kind of tourists, Adventure, culinary, Art, Wild Life, Cultural, Marine, Weddings, Honeymoon or simple relaxed Leisure and for all kinds of budgets.
Present traffic is much under the potential and needs boost, “ Mr. Mahesh Saharia said.
There are many excellent connectivity but a direct flight will give tremendous boost to both ways tourism promotion as Indonesians with traditional ties with India are equally keen to travel to India, the hony consul felt.
Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviations of both Countries need to have detailed dialogue to address the impediments on way of direct connectivity and resolve issues.
Honorary Consul feels the traffic will boost to such large extent and economically not only viable but booster that there shall be completion within Airlines.
He also thanked Ms Ni Made Ayu Marthini, Hon’ble Deputy Ministe, r Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy, Govt of Indonesia and H.E. Abu Ina N. Krishnamurthi, Ambassador of Indonesia, Large Nos of Travel Business Houses from Indonesia & India, & Media who participated in the event.
The Indian market bound for Indonesia has been skyrocketing in the last couple of years. In term of visitors, the number of Indian visits is increasing year after year.


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