He is the only neurosurgeon and neurologist based in Asansol who does craniotomy to save vital lives or disabilities patients. So far he has conducted about 35 successful brain surgeries in HLG Hospital in Asansol and has saved lives and most of them have returned back to their normal lives.
Meet : Dr. Sohag Bose, eminent neurosurgeon, attached to HLG Hospital in Asansol and the newly inaugurated Neuron ( The Neuro Clinic) in Asansol. He was formerly attached with Medanta – The Medicity Delhi NCR and Paras Hospital in Gurgaon and Fortis Hospital in Mumbai.
SUCCESS STORIES : 55 year old Parag Das of Kumarpur area in Asansol accidentally fell on the ground and suffered one sided paralysis, slurring of speech, feeling drowsiness and was in semi comatic state.
His family members admitted him under Dr. Sohag Bose at HLG Hospital in Sen Raleigh Road in Asansol in a critical condition earlier this month.
Talking to The Travel and Tourism Times, Dr. Sohag Bose said that the patient,Parag Das had massive brain hemorrhage on the left side of the brain causing total paralysis of the right side of the body due to increased pressure inside the skull. It took about three and half hours to complete the operation.
“ If not operated immediately can easily lead to coma and death. The Craniotomy operation was done on the patient and the clot was totally removed from the brain. No ventilation was required post operatively
and the patient was discharged on the seventh day post operation from the hospital. Now he is completely cured and leads a normal life,” added Dr. Sohag Bose.
Not only was the cost of the surgery within the budget of the patient, who hails from a middle class family, but the harassment to admit the patient to a hospital outside the town for a long term treatment was also avoided.
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine , a craniotomy is the surgical removal of part of the bone from the skull to expose the brain. Specialized tools are used to remove the section of bone called the bone flap. The bone flap is temporarily removed, then replaced after the brain surgery has been done.
Reasons for the procedure :
A craniotomy may be done for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, the following:
Diagnosing, removing, or treating brain tumors Clipping or repairing of an aneurysm Removing blood or blood clots from a leaking blood vessel Removing an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) or addressing an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) Draining a brain abscess, which is an infected pus-filled pocket Repairing skull fractures Repairing a tear in the membrane lining the brain (dura mater) Relieving pressure within the brain (intracranial pressure) by removing damaged or swollen areas of the brain that may be caused by traumatic injury or stroke Treating epilepsy Implanting stimulator devices to treat movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease or dystonia (a type of movement disorder).


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