KOLKATA, 2 MAY 2023:
There was a time, when as school students we would rush to the school library to pick up books of our choice.
The school library was our window to the world, be it art, literature, science, humanity or everything about the cosmos. The well beloved school library was our\ sole lighthouse to know, and learn about the dynamics of the changing world.
Times have now changed. The Library of Books is no longer so enchanting, so attractive.
The world of learning has gone digital. Nowadays one can learn from digital media, and infotainment programs on TV, Tablets, Mobiles, Computers, and Laptops. Yet, in most schools, there is no structured digital set-up to learn the changing dynamics of the physical world and the magic of the virtual world.
The Bookshelf has not yet been replaced by a Media-shelf.
Now comes this advertisement:
The advertisement was a great eye opener!
I could not resist. I called the number given in the ad and came to know that this is a brainwave of Mr. Robin Ghosh, an Economist and Communication Consultant.
Here goes my conversation with him:
Rukmini Sarkar: What triggered you to conceive the idea of starting Biswa Aina?
Robin Ghosh: Well, as an Economist and Communication Consultant, I have discovered that the conventional learning process is not so fascinating with the new
generation. Immersed with the audio visual platform, now the language of knowing, learning and believing has taken a radical shift – it is virtual, audio-visual and interactive.
Look, as a student, even when you are in school, you need to develop a global eye, otherwise you cannot progress in your career without having an international perspective.
Biswa Aina is an access to students to know about what is happening in the world – the climate crisis, the environmental degradation, the collapse of human values, and
the impact of artificial intelligence and so on.
Rukmini Sarkar: What is the basic objective of Biswa Aina?
Robin Ghosh: The core objective is to trigger young minds, motivate them to think, excite them to participate in dialogues and express their point of views by participating in debates, by writing essays, designing posters or enacting plays.
The objective is to create an enabling environment where, as Tagore had said, “themind is without fear and the head is held high”.
All said and done, the critical issue is, how about the structure? How do we add toour Book Library, a Digital Media Library?
And that is where The Documentary Film Club comes in.The Club is the fountainhead of continuously providing information, knowledge anddata to evaluate what is happening in the world and what we have to do as a person,as a group and as a global citizen.
Regarding ownership of the Club, it is, in all sense, a joint venture. A project ownedby Students and Teachers. Managed by Students and Teachers. Funded byStudents and Teachers.
A true joint venture.
Rukmini Sarkar: Thank you Sir. We wish you all the best.


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