In his motivational speaking session for the students at an international seminar of the Guru Nanak Institute of Hotel Management of the JIS Group, Mr. Ram Krishna Jaiswal, Hony Consul of Republic of Maldives said that they should remain focussed on four ‘C’s for Sucess in their lines. Confidence, Character, Compassion and Communication.
Speaking on the international seminar at the hotel management institute as the guest of honour he said that the most pivotal part in the hospitality industry is smile. A smiling face can do wonders, he said. Sucesss is a journey and you are learning every day and even the best chef in the world can never claim he is the best in his profession, he told the students.
“ I represent the country which has bagged the world’s best tourism destination award three times during 2020, 2021 and again in 2022. But we have not stopped and still trying for the fourth award,” urging the students and faculty members to visit Maldives to see, experience and work.
Citing various examples examples he tried to explain the students which things are esential for making their lives sucessfull. “ Without a jockey the horse can’t win the race and vice versa. Thus pointing out the imporetance on the coaching of the teachers in their academic lives.
“ I could have set up a five star hotel but my happiness is on sjaring glorious moments with the less provileged people on the earth. My grandfather has donated a property to set up the Jaiswal Hospital in Howrah. I share photogarphs on the social media while I stay with those under privileged people and everuday I am in contact with 460 such people,”he added.
Mr. Ram Krishna Jaiswal also said that nothing in the world can be acieved alone and sucess requires a team game.
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