INDORE, 24 MARCH 2023:
Pay and promotions have been the traditional tools for hiring and retention.
But what happens when they are not enough?
This article is a natural follow through from my previous one and dovetails well into looking deeper into
the issues that industry today faces: What happens when the above tools are not enough?
These days’ companies watch well paid, awarded employees walk out of the door.
Do we need to address the emotional needs of employees? Are these critical as the functional needs?
Feeling safe yet challenged and valued at work may be even more important than the pay check.
What is it that missing link that motivates and makes us want to wake up in the mornings and get to
work with the brain lit up?
One thought goes back to when we were young and learnt the most via stories, narratives and play; can
we include narratives in our work place?
The key drivers of work motivation is sometimes based on the wrong premise and we often confuse this
idea that links advancement with achievement, we are not always motivated by the next big job, the
next big title, we are hard wired behaviourally to be successful when we are in groups, the fact that we
could achieve more collectively works towards the notion of play and successful narratives.
However, fundamental issues need to be answered: Work Life Balance needs to be addressed. We have
seen that wages have not kept pace with economic growth and inflation, industry has not focussed
enough on workplace health welfare and safety.
The value calculus of has changed in the era of the Great Resignation.
At the end of the day we are businesses and we are in the business for a purpose: to make it successful;
the mandate is to be successful. When we operate in an environment where our success is predicated
upon our human capital: human resource is one of the most important assets and investments made,
we depend on human capital to drive the business forward. However, when we struggle and unable to
hire our fair share of people in the market, when we struggle to keep employed in staying with us, they
are unmotivated and disengaged and the RoI gets impacted.
It is important that we look within and address all of the points raised above.
The cost of doing business in today’s world is to actually see a diverse group of human beings being
successful in their respective environments.


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