Digital Marketing is going through a meta change.
Changes are happening at breakneck speed .Everyday new technology is popping in and the power of digital marketing is getting stronger and stronger. The change is overwhelming. It is becoming speedier, quality is better and reach is astounding.
Did you notice that ISRO in collaboration with Hughes Communication India has launched high speed satellite based internet based internet service in India?
Look carefully at how it is going to impact the connectivity spectrum in India. Let us look at the press release from I S R O.
‘From mighty Himalays of Leh and Ladakh to dense forest of the north east, the broadband satellite provider uses Ku band capacity from
ISROs GSTATll and GSAT29 satellite to provide high speed broadband services across India, including the most remote regions beyond the reach of terrestrial networks.’
“Commenting on the launch Partho Bannrjee, President and Managing Director HCI said ‘This new broadband service will address connectivity gaps , improve network performance, and support the high bandwidth requirements of government organisations, financial companies, cellular operators, mining and energy among other businesses , large and small helping to connect India to a limitless future. ‘
So a revolution is in the offing. With growth rate picking up, investment on upturn, employment rising fast, retail market will expand fast in the near future.
The stage is set for a magical marketing revolution. And along the line, digital marketing will be the most powerful marketing weapon.
Across the board large, medium and small enterprises , by compulsion will have to deploy a portfolio of digital marketing tools to survive and grow in future.
Digital marketing tools have reinvented itself with the changing times .Gone are the days when creation of a website was considered as a sample of digital marketing.
From website building to professionally managed digital media buying agency to Google and then Facebook and Twitter is in short a quick history of web platforms.
At present in the world of digital marketing, a new tribe of micro agencies have come up with a little more than a laptop and Canva subscription providing specialist and sector specific services like restaurants and real estate.
Startups looking for agencies for digital marketing must do necessary research to identify the right set up for effective communication.


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