TTT NEWS NETWORK KOLKATA, 26 JUNE 2023: Mr. Robin Ghosh, regular Columnist and chief advisor of The Travel and Tourism Times, veteran economist and also  the...
(PART THREE) BY RUKMINI SARKAR MEDIA EXECUTIVE KOLKATA, 23 JUNE 2023: We are all curious about ChatGPT, but few of us have explored how to use this tool...
(PART TWO) BY RUKMINI SARKAR MEDIA EXECUTIVE KOLKATA, 22 JUNE 2023: In my earlier story, I mentioned there’s a lot of talk about ChatGPT, but not many know...
(PART ONE) BY RUKMINI SARKAR MEDIA EXECUTIVE KOLKATA, 21 JUNE 2023: The communication market is abuzz with ChatGPT, but not many know what this tool can do. At...
BY ROBIN GHOSH (ECONOMIST) KOLKATA, 12 JUNE 2023: Now, dear friends: Forget OTT. It is now Magical Interactive Application Apparatus( MIAA) Read the following:...