Before we move into startup topics like company formation, funding, building roadmap for IPO, let us take a breather. Why this breather? Because our business environment is changing so fast that a new mindset is required to navigate the turbulence and the tide.
Acquiring knowledge to wade through this turbulence and disruption has become a necessity. But more than the knowledge, we all have to engineer a new mindset. A digital mindset.
Think for a while. Reflect. Observe. And what you find. Digital revolution. Digital tsunami. Everything is undergoing a change, a metamorphosis, a meta change!!.
If you dare to look at from the top, you will find everything is fluid and flowing. Industry structure, work method, people to people behavior, people to people relationships .
We now live in a world powered by data and algorithms. Steering our life and business in this techno freaky world is not easy.
We need a new toolbox, a new mindset. Digital mindset. So the question is what is digital mindset?
To most of us when we talk about digital mindset, we tend to believe that we have to learn coding, algorithms, AI, machine learning, robotics.
But it is not so. It is basically acquiring a skill set to choose digital tools to help you take smart decisions, create competitive edge and build a modern company.
Digital mindset, if you have to briefly describe, it is something of a superpower. Once the startup team acquires and continually updates about contemporary digital tools, it is in a position to beat
competition and stay ahead.
Digital mindset is a kind of dharma you adopt to see things around you and your company. It is looking beyond. A new way of looking at things.
Imbibed with digital mindset, you are now empowered with a new vision, be it collaboration, computation and forces of change.
Digital tools whether it is AI , machine learning , data analytics, they are only weapons .The excitement lies in using them intelligently so that business goal is achieved seamlessly.


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