Kerala Tourism has made a strong presence at ITB-Berlinwith its riveting experiential products and initiatives catering to the demands of thepost-Covid travellers, as the world’s leading travel trade show resumed its in-personmodeafterholding it virtually in the last two years in the shadow the pandemic.
A pair of gigantic Kettukaala (giant effigies of bulls seen at temple festivals in Kerala) at thestand was the central attraction of Kerala’s 122 sq. m space highlighting the theme’TheMagical Everyday’ at the March 7-9 event.
The event drew global leaders of tourism industry to meet, interact and clinch business decisions.
Led by the state Tourism Department Principal Secretary, Shri KS Srinivas and DirectorShriPB Nooh, the Kerala pavilion had 13 co- exhibitors at the hybrid in-person event, whichsawthe convergence of more than 5,500 exhibiting companies from 161 countries.
The Kerala stand was inaugurated by the Indian Ambassador to Germany , Parvathaneni Harish IFS, along with Mr. Arvind Singh, Secretary – Ministry of Tourism, India, along with the Kerala Tourism Secretary and Director.
The premier event that shapes the future of travel, the exhibitors at this editionof ITB-Berlinhighlighted the changes sweeping the tourism sector across the world, showcasingdecisivetrends that define the demands and preferences of the global travel community.
“We have been able to make a strong statement before the leaders of global tourismindustrywith our unique products and path-breaking initiatives. The state’s tourismindustrywill benefit substantially from the business interactions that transpired at the event”, said KeralaTourism Principal Secretary, Mr. KS Srinivas.
“Last year we made an all-time record in attracting domestic tourists. The active presenceofKerala in major events like ITB-Berlin will significantly contribute to regaining thestate’sposition as a preferred destination for overseas travellers from this year onwards”, said Mr.PB Nooh, Director, Kerala Tourism.


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