In order to present your case to investors, you have to design a presentation. This presentation, you should bear in mind, should not go beyond 12 to 15 slides. Essentially, the presentation is to communicate the nuts and bolts of the proposed project, and how the proposed goal will be achieved
within a given time frame.
A standard pitch deck consists of 15 slides. And they are in this order:
1 .What is your company and what does it do ?
2 .What problem is the company trying to solve?
3 .What is the key value proposition?
4 .What is your one sentence tagline ?
5. What is the unsolved problem you are trying to solve and why it is important?
6 .What are the pain points the target market is facing and how current solutions available in the market are inadequate, and why the problem need to be resolved now?
7 .Present briefly how your solution will solve the problem you have identified .
8 .Is your solution helping to reduce cost? Is it a new technology, a proprietary asset?
9. Create a 5 minute video demonstrating the power of your solution in a customer environment.
10 .Show how the traction is taking place? Show growth in customer base monthly and annually.
11. Show revenue growth monthly , and annually.
12 .Present the conversion rate from leads to actual customers.
13 .Show retention rate of customers.
14 . Describe the current and future market size for the solution you have developed
15 .Investors are keen to see a competitive landscape. Show how crowded the market is and how your competitive advantage will help you to beat the competition.
16 .What is your secret sauce ? What will enable you to ensure sustainable competitive advantage
17. Put a slide to describe your go to market strategy. How are you planning to acquire customers? Are you planning to target a narrow and specific market and gradually expand to a wider market.
18. If you are targeting your market in terms of customer size, how you are designing your market strategy for small and large business units.
19 .Now comes the most important component. How do you propose to generate revenue from the product or service you are offering in the market?
Your business model should be able to answer the following questions.
*Is your offering free?
*Do you have a paid version?
*Are you planning to pull money from advertising?
*What is the value proposition for the advertisers?
* How much would you charge the advertisers or would you adopt a sponsorship model ?
* What is the market rate for advertising on your site as compared to
competitors’ sites?
* Are you planning to convert free customers to paid customers?
*Are you planning to adopt a subscription model? What will be the churn rate ?
* Are you planning to reach customers through a distribution model?If yes, What is the percentage of revenue you will share with him?
* What will your customers’ acquisitions cost?
* What are your team strengths? Put the competency profile of Technical and Management Team and Advisors. Are the Team members also invested in the company?
* What is your revenue projection model? Present two years revenue. Clearly explain the assumptions. Side by side, indicate the expense projection which should include administrative costs plus marketing costs.
* Last and the most important slide is the asking slide. In this slide , you have to indicate the amount of funds you are asking for and how you will spend this money under different heads like prototype development to marketing and branding cost.
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