Twelve more cheetahs will be translocated to Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh by the end of February.
The first batch of eight cheetahs have been translocated to Kuno from namibiia in last September on the occasssion of the birthday of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
So far the forest officials have claimed that world’s fastest mammals have adapted to the Indian terrain and have been sucessfully killing its new range of preys.
The Indian government has signed a MoU with the South Afcrican government for translocation of cheetahs to India.
The age of these 12 cheetahs will be between 18 months to four years. The team of wildlife experts will visit South Africa in February and select the big cats. Sources said that they will be flown in through Indian Air Force flights.
Mr. S.P.Yadav, member secretary of National Tiger Conservation Authority said that the dates has not been finalised, but the expert team will reach in February end and finalise.
The protocols of the upcoming 12 cheetahs will be same like the previous eight ones and will be kept in enclosures so that they can slowly adapt to the indian climate before the final release.
Out of the previous batch of the cheetahs from namibia one is sick and is undergoing treatment and recovering.
Asiatic Cheetahs, the fastest animal on earth vanished from India in 1947 after the poaching of the last animals.
The Narendra Modi government planned to translocate African Cheetahs, for the first time in the history wild animals have been sucessfully translocated to other continents.
India plans to introduce over 100 cheetahs in the wild at several forests in the next few years. At present Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh is the only selected location.
The last surving asiatic cheetahs are only found in Iran.


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